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HairNo Bangs, Short, White
EyesBlack, Round, Unnatural Sclera
BodyCleft Chin, Hunchback, Old, Ugly, Unnatural Skin Tone
ClothesChoker, Gauntlet, Half-naked, Pendant Necklace, Ribbon Hair Accessory
Engages inBreaking the Fourth Wall, Cursing, Dimensional Travel
Engages in (Sexual)Not Sexually Involved
Visual novelsMain character - Poopinteetha's Domain


A self proclaimed goddess and only inhabitant of "the land of Poopoo" who kidnaps any player who loses 3 Smash rounds in a row with the fighter Paulina and forces them to eat feces until their spirit breaks... or at least that's what the legends says.


2I eat this poopoo for nourishment and it gives me the nutrients I so greatly desire.