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Iwamine Shuu

岩峰 舟

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Iwamine Shuu岩峰 舟
Birthday12 December
BodyFeathers, Left Handed
PersonalityCold-hearted, Genius, Smart, Stoic, Strange, Watashi
RoleBird, Famous, Medical Doctor
Visual novelsMain character - Hatoful Kareshi ~Kibou no Gakuen to Shiroi Tsubasa~
Main character - Hatoful Kareshi: HolidayStar


The Chukar Patridge school doctor of St. Pigeonation. Generally considered creepy by most of the student body due to his ability to seemingly appear out of nowhere and tendency to calmly and coolly deliver subtle threats (usually of the gory nature). There are even rumours that he "experiments" on the bird students. Putting his oddities aside, Shuu is a highly respected practitioner of medicine on a worldwide scale.

[Based on the official website]


1Oh. No corpse? And here I had my hopes up... loved me, did you not?

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