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Asakura Karen

朝倉 可憐

Asakura KarenSafe / Tame (14)
Asakura Karen朝倉 可憐
AliasesKarerin, かれりん, Karen-chan, カレンちゃん
MeasurementsHeight: 158cm
Birthday11 July
HairBrown, Long, Straight, Twin Tails
BodyPale, Slim, Teen
ClothesAnkle Boots, Ankle Socks, Hair Tie, Hoodie, Kemonomimi Hood, Miniskirt, Tail
PersonalityAtashi, Cheerful, Lazy, Washi, Yangire
RoleBand Member, Comrade, Gamer, Singer
Subject ofSplit Personality
Visual novelsMain character - HEAVEN BURNS RED
Voiced bySerizawa Yuu
Suzuki Konomi (Singing voice)


Unit: 31A
Birthplace: Tochigi

Karen is a gamer girl who specializes at FPS games. She prefers eating one-handed junk food because this way she can keep playing her games. Karen has a cute outward personality which matches her looks, and she is the second vocalist for Kayamori Ruka's newfound band. However, don't let her appearance fool you, her true nature is that of a terrifying murderer.

[Translated from the official website]