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Gavin Laswell

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Gavin Laswell
HairShort, Spiky Bangs, Straight, White
BodyPale, Slim, Young-adult
ClothesBelt, Boots, Jacket, Trousers, Uniform
PersonalityCarefree, Lazy, Mischievous
RoleCommander, Full Brother, Older Brother, Soldier
Engages inFighting, Flirting, Planning
Subject ofInjury
Visual novelsMain character - Blue Rose


Gavin is one of the first people that Lena is introduced to in the village. He can be a bit of an idiot at times, but generally has an easy-going personality. In spite of his tendency to peeve those around him, Gavin is an unexpectedly dependable character.

Like Lena, Gavin is also a newcomer to the village; therefore, he may appear as an outsider to a lot of people.

[from Creator's blog]