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Simon Calan

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Simon Calan
HairLong, Parted in Middle, Ponytail, Straight, White
EyesGreen, Tsurime
BodyPale, Slim, Young-adult
ClothesBelt, Boots, Coat, Gloves, Ribbon Hair Tie, Shirt, Uniform
PersonalityBrave, Mature, Proactive, Refined, Serious
RoleCommander, Friend, Knight, Noble, Soldier
Engages inFighting, Planning
Subject ofSurvival
Visual novelsMain character - Blue Rose


Simon is also a Templar of the Blue Rose. Lena has been working under his command for almost two years, forming an irreplaceable bond between them. Lena sees him as not just an important mentor, but also as a valuable friend and confidant.

Simon takes his position very seriously and finds himself accountable for the well-being of his subordinates. He is very calm and collected, and usually has his temper under control. Usually.

[from Creator's blog]