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Shiozawa Eimi

塩澤 詠美

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Shiozawa EimiSafe / Tame (14)
Shiozawa Eimi塩澤 詠美
MeasurementsHeight: 152cm, Bust-Waist-Hips: 104-100-108cm
HairBrown, Shoulder-length, Twin Braids
BodyBig Breasts, Overweight, Pale, Teen
ClothesCollar, Latex, Loafers, Pantyhose, School Uniform, Thigh-high Stockings
PersonalityCloset Pervert, Docile, Food Lover, Reserved, Shy
RoleGirlfriend, High School Student, Masochist
Engages inBunnygirl Cosplay
Visual novelsMain character - Dopocchari Kuikomi M Musume ~Sensei, Watashi, Nuganakute mo Sugoindesu!~
Voiced byHibiki Tanaka


She is quite shy. She has a complex about her body shape and is reluctant to do anything.

She likes to eat, but has a small appetite for her body shape. She has a strong sex drive and has erotic fantasies.

[From official site]