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Help-me Onee-san


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Help-me Onee-sanお助けおねーさん
AliasesFiine, フィーネ, Otasuke Onee-san
HairAnkle Length, Blue, Spiky Bangs
EyesBlue, Tareme
BodyPale, Slim, Teen
ClothesBlazer, Hat, Loafers, Miniskirt, Necktie, Nurse's Cap, School Uniform, Thigh-high Stockings
Visual novelsSide character - Enbou no Felshis ~Horizon of the Earth and Sky~
Voiced byMomozono Kaoru


Mysterious older student that appears in the labyrinth to help other students.

Has "quite few screws loose" in her head that makes it tiresome to talk to her. Has somewhat unusual presence to her.