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Senoo Kazumi

妹尾 克己

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Senoo Kazumi妹尾 克己O
MeasurementsHeight: 171cm, Weight: 62kg
HairCrew Cut, Leg Hair, Short
BodyMuscular, Olive, Slim, Young-adult
ClothesBaggy Pants, Shirt, Sports Shoes, T-shirt
ItemsBaseball Bat
PersonalityBrave, Honorable, Idiot, Ore, Protective
RoleChildhood Friend, Full Brother, Hero, Living Alone, Older Brother
Engages inFighting, Job Hunting, Self-sacrifice, Unarmed Fighting
Visual novelsProtagonist - Kansen Ball Buster


He loves very much Tsugumi, his younger sister and Shizuka, his childhood friend ( not in a romantically way for his sister ).

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