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Aida Yuzuka

相田 ゆずか

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Aida YuzukaSafe / Tame (14)
Aida Yuzuka相田 ゆずか
MeasurementsHeight: 167cm, Weight: 56kg, Bust-Waist-Hips: 97-63-90cm
HairBraid, Green, Long
BodyBig Breasts
ClothesNaked, Skirt, Slave Collar, Sweater
PersonalityNaive, Timid
Engages inBondage
Subject ofConfinement, Delusion, Slavery
Visual novelsMain character - The God of Death
Voiced byTakami Yukie


Ryuuga's teacher. She loves her students very much but has a hard time controlling her class, especially students like Haruo and Kuraki. Often times Mifuyu is forced to keep the class under order for her. Most of the class calls her Yuzuka-chan.

Because of her timid personality she's the first girl Ryuuga mind breaks and captures her soul. After this she becomes a willing participant in raping the other girls.