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Shiina Ren

椎名 零

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Shiina Ren椎名 零A
Birthday19 February
HairBlond, Short, Sidehair
BodyKid, Pale
ClothesSchool Uniform
PersonalityLoyal, Mysterious, Reserved
Visual novelsMain character - Be-reave ~Primary~
Side character - Suki na Mono wa Suki Dakara Shouganai!! 3 -Rain-
Main character - Suki na Mono wa Suki Dakara Shouganai!! -Fan Disk-
Side character - Suki na Mono wa Suki Dakara Shouganai!! +White Flower+
Voiced byTakagi Motoki


He is a beautiful boy who transferred to Ao and Futa's class. He loves chemistry, and he transferred to this school because he admires Gaku, who is in the university club, but he is disappointed to find out that the chemistry club does not exist.

He is the most beautiful boy in the school, but he does not make a good impression on those around him because of his cold, inaccessible atmosphere. However, once he has gotten to know a person, he is very open and honest with them.

He is especially obedient to Gaku, who he admires.

[Translated from official website]