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Cameron Wilson

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Cameron WilsonSafe / Tame (14)
Cameron Wilson
EyesBrown, Sanpaku Eyes
BodyAnthropomorphic Animal, Fur, Slim, Young-adult
ClothesBarefoot, Jeans, T-shirt
ItemsGuitar, Mobile Phone
PersonalityLow Self-esteem, Nihilist, Reserved, Sensitive
RoleAmerican, Boyfriend, Dog, Guitarist, Homosexual, Musician, Not a Virgin, Office Worker
Subject ofHallucination, Mental Affliction, Psychological Trauma
Visual novelsProtagonist - Arches


Cameron is a coyote and Devon's boyfriend.

Cameron grew up with a rough home life, and struggles with trauma, among other mental health issues. He is skeptical and dismissive of the supernatural, but entertains Devon's request to investigate Echo as he feels he owes it to Devon for being a supporting partner.