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Niijima Neiro

新島 音彩

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Niijima NeiroSafe / Tame (14)
Niijima Neiro新島 音彩
MeasurementsHeight: 155cm, Bust-Waist-Hips: 87-57-86cm, E cup
BodyBig Breasts
ClothesMicro Bikini, Slave Collar, Torn Clothing, Traditional Bloomers
RoleHigh School Student
Visual novelsMain character - Shinshoku
Voiced byAine A. Romero


She is a gal girl who attends an all-girls school.
Her motto is to have fun doing what she loves, and she spends her days playing around town with her schoolmates.
She especially enjoys playing tricks on grown men, and enjoys teasing the male teachers at the school and other adults who seem to be up to no good.
Because she is shrewd and cunning, she manages to avoid critical situations even when playing such games.
She is seen by her female friends as a cool, mature woman with a hundred battles under her belt and is held in high esteem, but she herself is a virgin who has never been with a man.
She is basically a fearless person with a winning spirit and a good sense of humor, but when she is cornered, her inexperience takes its toll on her and she gets upset and shows her weakness.

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