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MeasurementsHeight: 178cm
HairBob Cut, Ponytail, Waist Length+, White
BodyHorns, Pale, Young-adult
ClothesCeremonial Japanese Clothing
ItemsSmoking Pipe
PersonalityMysterious, Reserved, Serious, Stoic, Strange, Sweets Lover
Engages inSmoking
Visual novelsMain character - Sakuragatari
Voiced byNoriyuki


The owner of the mansion Saki and Makoto found when they lost their way. Although Fubuki tells them to go home practically every time they encounter one another, he allows them to stay at his mansion until they find a way to leave Hanari. It's difficult to discern what he really means to get at when talking to him, due to the vagueness of his words.

He seems to be an Oni (Japanese demon) due to the two red horns on his forehead, but he doesn't know for certain as he barely has any idea why and how long he's been around. From his actions around Saki, it seems that Fubuki once knew her. Emotionally subdued, he usually spends his days alone. He is a sweet tooth.

Translation of the official website's character profile.