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Konoe Kagami

近衛 各務

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Konoe Kagami近衛 各務
HairAhoge, Pink, Sidehair, Spiky Bangs, Straight, Waist Length+
EyesTareme, Violet
BodyPale, Slim, Young-adult
ClothesHalf-naked, Keikogi, Miniskirt, School Uniform, Shirt
PersonalityKind, Relaxed
RoleMother, Shopkeeper, Widow
Engages inMartial Arts, Sewing
Visual novelsSide character - Lamune
Voiced byKusunoki Suzune


Kagami is the mother of Nanami who runs a kissaten or coffee shop right across the street from their house. She has a kind and gentle personality. Because of her youthful appearance, she is commonly mistaken as Nanami's elder sister.

[From Wikipedia.]