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Kuudo Shizuo

工藤 静夫

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Kuudo ShizuoSafe / Tame (14)
Kuudo Shizuo工藤 静夫
HairBlack, No Bangs, Short, Slicked Back
BodyAdult, Pale, Real Actor
ClothesBlazer, Dress Shoes, Glasses, Polo Shirt, Suit, Trousers
PersonalityDaughter Complex, Distrustful, Family Oriented, Nature Lover, Old-fashioned, Protective, Rude, Selfish, Short-tempered, Stoic, Strict
RoleFarmer, Father, Police, Retired
Visual novelsSide character - 428 ~Fuusa Sareta Shibuya de~
Voiced byAkimoto Yousuke (Live-action performance)


Rumi's father, formerly a detective in the First Investigation Division of the Metropolitan Police Department. He has retired to become a farmer in Nagano, and rejects the relationship between Rumi and Kano.

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[Edited from in-game TIPS]