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Bettou Izumi Shizuka Scarlett

別当・和泉 しずか・スカーレット

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Bettou Izumi Shizuka ScarlettSafe / Tame (14)
Bettou Izumi Shizuka Scarlett別当・和泉 しずか・スカーレット
MeasurementsHeight: 153cm, Bust-Waist-Hips: 82-56-81cm
Birthday1 December
HairAhoge, Blond, Intake, No Bangs, Parted to Side, Shoulder-length, Twin Tails
EyesBlue, Tareme
BodyPale, Slim, Teen
ClothesBelt, Bikini, Flat Cap, Flip-flops, Jacket, Jeans, Knee-high Socks, Miniskirt, Necktie, School Uniform, Shirt, Shorts, Tank Top, Unusual Hair Ornaments, Vest, Watch
PersonalityCarefree, Mischievous, Smart, Tsundere
RoleAmerican, Classmate, Daughter, Full Sister, Half-Japanese, High School Student, Multilingual, Pilot, Spy, Wealthy, Younger Sister
Engages inPiloting, Teasing
Visual novelsMain character - Puchi Fan Disc Mitai na no
Main character - Scarlett
Main character - NekoNeko Fan Disc 3
Makes an appearance - BALDR SKY DiveX "DREAM WORLD"
Makes an appearance - White ~Blanche Comme la Lune~
Voiced byTouno Ran


A half-American girl who belongs to a spy family. Shizuka is Kurou’s younger sister and Akito’s love interest. She has a somewhat devilish attitude at times but is generally a cheerful person. She can fly most aircraft in the world, is fluent in 6 languages, and has the habit of threatening Akito with her 8mm.

[Edited from a combination of Haeleth's post and Choux's review.]