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JuliaSuggestive / Tame (15)
HairTwin Tails, Violet
BodyGenital Piercing, Huge Breasts, Magic Tattoo, Nipple Piercing
ClothesCrotchless Panties, Open Cup Bra, Slave Collar, Sling Bikini
RoleKnight, Queen
Visual novelsMain character - Musou no Haramase Onaho Kishidan ~Tsuyoi Mesu o Jutsu de Kuppuku Sasete Ero Hidoi Koto Yaritai Houdai no Zettai Chuusei Harem o Tsukuru!~
Voiced byUmemiya Koko


The Queen of Knights who is flamboyant and flashy.
Although she is selfish and high-handed, she has a charismatic personality that makes her admired by the people.
She stands at the forefront of battles and uses magic to broadcast to let people know about her actions.

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