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Moonshadow Brave

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Moonshadow BraveSafe / Tame (14)
Moonshadow Brave
AliasesMoon, Moony
HairBlack, Bun, Parted in Middle, Ponytail, Slicked Back, Straight, Waist Length+
BodyBig Breasts, Mole, Nail Polish, Toned, Young-adult
ClothesBandanna, Belt, Blouse, Boots, Bra, Choker, Cowboy Hat, Crop Top, Earrings, Fishnet Clothing, Headband, High Heeled Boots, High Heeled Sandals, Naked Apron, Nightgown, Panties, Short Shorts, Sleeveless Mini-dress, Tank Top
ItemsBow, Laptop, Mobile Phone
PersonalityBlunt, Confident, Hard Worker
RoleAmerican, Daughter, Farmer, Friend, Full Sister, Girlfriend, Native American, Pre-Story Virginity Loss to Protagonist, Younger Sister
Engages inFlirting, Planning, Riding
Subject ofBridal Carry, Flirting, Teasing
Visual novelsMotherless
> Main character - r114555:Motherless - Season 1
> Main character - r114564:Motherless - Season 1
> Side character - r114557:Motherless - Season 2: Chapter 13 DLC
> Makes an appearance - r114558:Motherless - Season 2: Chapter 14 DLC
> Main character - r114565:Motherless - Season 2
> Makes an appearance - r114560:Motherless - Season 2: Chapter 16 DLC
> Main character - r114561:Motherless - Season 3
> Main character - r118740:Motherless - Season 3
> Main character - r114563:Motherless - Seasons 1, 2 & 3 Complete


True to herself and everyone else.

She never hesitates on telling what she thinks about anything. Devoted to her farm and animals, she's always close to her mom due to work.

She believes in the freedom of the spirit, that's what her native american father always told her, whom she resembles notably.

But if you hurt her, you are out for good from her heart.

[In game description]