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Fujimiya Nozomi

藤宮 望

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Fujimiya NozomiSafe / Tame (14)
Fujimiya Nozomi藤宮 望A
MeasurementsHeight: 163cm, Weight: 50kg, Bust-Waist-Hips: 84-59-84cm
Birthday3 April
HairBlond, Long, Ponytail, Spiky Bangs, Straight
BodyPale, Slim, Teen
ClothesAnkle Boots, Body Ribbon, Ribbon Hair Tie, Ribbon Tie, Sailor School Uniform, School Uniform, Swimsuit
ItemsCamera, Katana
PersonalityBrave, Funny, Kind, Protective, Sweets Lover, Tomboy
RoleFull Sister, High School Student, Waitstaff
Engages inFighting, Kendo, Volleyball
Subject ofTerminal Illness
Visual novelsMain character - Wind -a breath of heart-
Main character - Soyokaze no Okurimono -Wind Pleasurable Box-
Voiced bySakurai Mirei


Fujimiya Nozomi serves tables with her sister Wakaba. She is skilled at Kendo, although she has a weak heart and often needs Wakaba to heal her when she collapses. She loves her sister, but feels guilty that her poor health is a burden. <hidden by spoiler settings>

[From Wikipedia]