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Kinoshita Daisuke

木下 大作

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Kinoshita Daisuke木下 大作
AliasesKen Dingling, Acro, Aleg Loche
MeasurementsHeight: 180cm
HairBlack, No Bangs, Ponytail, Short, Slicked Back
BodyMuscular, Olive, Young-adult
ClothesArmband, Bracelet, Headband, Tank Top
PersonalityFriendly, Optimist, Ore, Refined
RoleCircus Performer, Coworker, Pet Owner
Subject ofDisability
Visual novelsSide character - Gyakuten Saiban 2


Ken "Acro" Dingling is an acrobat whose legs were paralyzed during an accident six months prior to the murder of Russell Berry, in which Acro was called as a witness. Acro is polite, pleasant and optimistic. Unlike his colleagues in the circus, Acro can see the "diamond shining in [Galactica's] soul", namely his pride as a performer, and he feels that this is something lacking from the others until the magician showed up. He does admit to still having some issues with him, however.

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[Based on his Ace Attorney Wiki page.]