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Ugajin Ken

宇賀神 剣

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Ugajin Ken宇賀神 剣A
Aliases氷の処刑台<ノークライ・キラー>, Scaffold of Ice, No Cry Killer
MeasurementsHeight: 172cm
Birthday20 September
HairBlue, Parted to Side, Short
EyesAmber, Hosome
BodyMole, Pale, Slim, Tattoo, Young-adult
ClothesGlasses, Latex Gloves, Necktie, School Uniform, Suit
ItemsHandgun, Stun Gun
PersonalityKeigo, Pragmatic, Refined, Sly, Stoic, Watashi
RoleExecutive, Mafia, Secretary
Engages inMurder, Planning
Subject ofObsessive–Compulsive Disorder
Visual novelsMain character - Omertà ~Chinmoku no Okite~
Main character - Omertà Code:Tycoon
Voiced byNoriyuki


Residence: High-rise apartment in the Bay Area.
Nationality: Japan.
Weapons: Sturm Ruger MkI.