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Masuda Shizuka


Masuda ShizukaSafe / Tame (14)
Masuda Shizuka益田西守歌A
MeasurementsHeight: 152cm, Weight: 41kg
Birthday5 March
HairAntenna, Brown, Sidehair, Spiky Bangs, Straight, Waist Length+
EyesBrown, Tareme
BodyPale, Slim, Teen
ClothesDress Shoes, Hair Ribbon, Ribbon Hair Tie, Ribbon Tie, School Uniform
PersonalityFriendly, Kind
RoleBetrothed, Granddaughter, Yamato Nadeshiko
Visual novelsMain character - Final Approach
Main character - Final Approach -Final Fandisk-
Voiced byNogawa Sakura


Shizuka is the fiancée of Ryo. She is in the 10th grade, but used "political power" to transfer herself to Ryo's 11th grade class. Her feelings and hopes for Ryo were confirmed when her fiancé began dating Emiho.