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Mikado Taigi

御門 大義

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Mikado Taigi御門 大義
MeasurementsHeight: 172cm
Birthday6 September
HairShoulder-length, Spiky Bangs, Straight, White
EyesAmber, Hosome
BodyPale, Teen
ClothesSchool Uniform, Shirt, Trousers
PersonalityBoku, Insightful, Reserved, Secretive
RoleFriend, Son
Engages inPainting
Visual novelsSide character - Hello Lady!
Side character - Hello Lady! -New Division-
Voiced byTsukiguro Tooya


Hobbies: Painting
Skills: Uncovering lies
Likes: Perfection
Dislikes: Movies and stories with depressing endings

As his surname suggests, he's the son of Chairman Kurofune. Taigi's not actually a student at The Academy, despite how often he hangs around the premises. Additionally, he has quite the artistic soul, and though he tries to play the aloof artist most of the time, the truth is he's rather sensitive and prone to buckling under pressure.

Taigi and Shinri hit it off at first, as their hobbies seem to align, but a fatal difference in their aesthetics brings their whole dynamic crashing down. His self-effacing conceals his thoughts from the world, so nobody can truly ever tell what he's thinking. However, despite his mysterious ways, there tends to be nuggets of wisdom and information to Shinri to discover hidden within his words...

"Paintings are truly wonderful. They capture those precious ephemeral moments in life and allow them to live on for eternity."

[Edited from official English page]