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John Montagu Sandwich


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John Montagu Sandwichジョン・モンタギュー・サンドウィッチ
AliasesCount Sandwich
HairBlond, Parted to Side, Ponytail, Shoulder-length
EyesAmber, Hosome
BodyNail Polish, Pale, Slim, Young-adult
ClothesCape, Cravat, Half-naked, Ribbon Hair Tie, Trousers
PersonalityNarcissist, Pervert, Possessive
RoleBased on a Real Person, Head of a Sect
Visual novelsSide character - Animamundi ~Owarinaki Yami no Butou~
Voiced bySasaki Hitoshi


The head of the mysterious sect known as Hell-Fire Club.

"...makes the Marquis de Sade look like a fun guy you'd invite over for beer and pizza."

[Based on Hirameki's Official Site (Website is via webarchive)]