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Shintani Nafumi

新谷 ナフミ

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Shintani Nafumi新谷 ナフミ
HairBlond, Blunt Bangs, Ringlet, Shoulder-length
EyesAmber, Hosome
BodyPale, Young-adult
ClothesBracelet, Headband, Shirt, Skirt, Vest
PersonalityCharismatic, Kind
RolePainter, Popular, Teacher
Engages inDrawing
Engages in (Sexual)Not Sexually Involved
Visual novelsProtagonist - Higanbana no Saku Yoru ni - Dai Ni Ya


Teacher and advisor of the art club. A bewitching sort of pheromone hangs about her and she allures men of all ages. She's very happy when she's at her target body weight.

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[Based on her unlockable character profile.]