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Inumaru Haruyuki

犬丸 晴行

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Inumaru HaruyukiSafe / Tame (14)
Inumaru Haruyuki犬丸 晴行B
AliasesDog, Stupid Dog
MeasurementsHeight: 184cm, Weight: 65kg
Birthday31 July
HairBrown, Shaggy, Short
EyesBrown, Tsurime
BodyPale, Slim, Tall (obsolete), Teen
ClothesBlazer, Knee-high Socks, Necktie, School Uniform, Shirt, Shorts, Swimsuit
PersonalityCarefree, Deredere, Funny, Ore
RoleButt Monkey, Childhood Friend, Classmate, Eleventh Grader, Friend, Kouhai, Schoolmate
Engages inCompetition, Planning, Shopping, Teasing
Subject ofAcrophobia, Avoidable Death (obsolete), Domestic Violence, Filming, Teasing
Visual novelsMain character - Corpse Party -The Anthology- Sachiko no Ren'ai Yuugi ♥ Hysteric Birthday 2U
Side character - Corpse Party: BLOOD DRIVE
Voiced byYamaguchi Tomohiro


Likes: Sayaka
Dislikes: Raisin bread and heights
Hobbies: Dreaming about Sayaka

Haruyuki is a second year student at Paulownia Academy. He is spirited and free-willed, and madly in love with his childhood friend Sayaka. She harshly rejects him however, which he doesn't seem to mind.