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Kamishiro Ririko

神代 莉々子

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Kamishiro RirikoSafe / Tame (14)
Kamishiro Ririko神代 莉々子
MeasurementsBust-Waist-Hips: 80-53-80cm
HairClaret, Hime Cut, Long
ClothesKimono, Nightgown, Ribbon Hair Accessory, Tabi
PersonalityCheerful, Friendly, Naive, Proactive, Relaxed, Third Person
RoleDaughter, Non-blood-related Sister, Younger Sister
Engages inAvoidable Infidelity
Subject ofNetorare (they are the stolen SO)
Visual novelsMain character - Oyako Rankan
Voiced bySakurai Mirei


The second daughter of the Kamishiro family, she adores Mamoru like her own older brother. Ririko is a young girl with an underdeveloped body. She prefers to wear kimono, tabi socks, and sandals.