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Takemoto Masaki

竹本 真咲

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Takemoto Masaki竹本 真咲
HairOrange, Short
ClothesBelt, Bra, Necklace, Pajamas, Panties, Skirt, Uniform
PersonalityDishonest, Naive, Rude, Tsundere
RoleStep Sister, University Student
Engages inPolyamory
Visual novelsMain character - Porno Sakka Mayuka to, Injuku Miboujin to Katabutsu Henshuusha to Ubu Gishi
Voiced byMisonoo Mei


protag step sister. Is average sister that quarrels with brother but for most part get along. They recently just moved together in apartment because house is being redone. Their parents are busy working over seas so they don't live with kids. She has been secretly in love with her brother a few years.