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Amari Na Bembe Berbel


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Amari Na Bembe BerbelSafe / Tame (14)
Amari Na Bembe Berbelアマリ=ナ=ベムベ=ベルベル
HairPink, Ponytail, Twin Tails, Waist Length+
BodySmall Breasts
ClothesBikini, Coat, Glasses, Hat, Stockings, Uniform, Waitstaff Uniform
PersonalityBookworm, Kuudere, Pragmatic, Relaxed, Reserved, Smart
RoleGirlfriend, Librarian, Priest, Waitstaff
Engages inPlanning
Visual novelsMain character - Taiyou no Promia
Main character - Taiyou no Promia Flowering Days
Voiced byMizushima Miho


Blue Flower of knowledge. Introvert, smart, love reading and voice of reason among the Flowers.