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Aiba Nagomi

相葉 和水

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Aiba NagomiSafe / Tame (14)
Aiba Nagomi相葉 和水
MeasurementsHeight: 148cm, Bust-Waist-Hips: 72-47-73cm
Birthday4 August
HairBlue, Short
BodyPale, Teen
ClothesBikini, Jacket, Ribbon Hair Wrap, Skirt, Thigh-high Stockings
RoleGirlfriend, Kouhai, Popular, School Swimming Club Member
Visual novelsMain character - Metamorphose ~Hen'you! Henshin! Daihentai!?~
Voiced byAkiba Momoyo


Hiroshi's underclassman. Hiroshi takes the form of her coach to rape her and later her boyfriend to have sex with her.