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Jounozono Anri

城之園 杏理

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Jounozono Anri城之園 杏理
HairBlack, Long, Sidehair
BodyMakeup, Young-adult
PersonalityDisciplinarian, Honest, Idealist, Insightful, Pragmatic, Sharp-tongued, Strict
RoleNot a Virgin, Teacher
Visual novelsMain character - Saint Estella Gakuin no Shichinin no Majo
Voiced byMomozono Kaoru


Yukito's first contact with St. Estella Academy is through a telephone call with Anri on behalf of the school director inviting him to enrol. Jounozono is the head of the teaching department and entrusted with the school's administration by the elderly director. She frequently implements spot tests to gauge her students' academic abilities and to gather data for families making enquiries regarding prospective candidates for adoption. Despite her strict demeanour and elitist tendencies, her treatment of students is even-handed and she indulges those she takes a liking to. She is authorised to demote students to C-class on academic, moral or disciplinary grounds.

She dislikes Numanaka and Kajiyama and has no idea what really goes on in the isolated building housing the C-class of the different years because it lies outside her jurisdiction.

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