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Saiga Rui

斎賀 琉衣

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Saiga Rui斎賀 琉衣
Birthday15 January
HairBlack, Ponytail
PersonalityHaraguro, Kind, Sharp-tongued
RoleTeacher, Twin Brother
Visual novelsDoubleScore
> Side character - r21562:Double Score ~Cosmos × Camellia~ Regular Edition
> Main character - r21563:Double Score ~Cattleya × Narcissus~ Regular Edition
> Side character - r21564:Double Score ~Marguerite × Tulip~ Regular Edition
Voiced byHirakawa Daisuke


The protagonists teacher.
Seiya's twin brother.
He has a calm manner towards people, but he also has a side where he spits mean words at people with a smile on his face.
He sometimes falls over nothing and seems to be lacking presence, a plain person.
His flower is the Narcissus.