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Arusu Marina

或守 鞠奈

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Arusu Marina或守 鞠奈
HairBlack, Multicolored, White
BodyPale, Slim, Teen
ClothesDress, Headband, Thigh-high Stockings
RoleHomunculus, Spirit
Engages in (Sexual)Not Sexually Involved
Visual novelsMain character - Date A Live: Arusu Install
Main character - Date A Live: Twin Edition Rio Reincarnation
Voiced byMimori Suzuko


She has shown to be a little bit harsh and mean, as she always removes NPCs that are in her way without much thought. But as time went, she began to show signs that "she’s beginning to change" by helping an elderly NPC in the street. As a reward, Shido gives her a meat bun in a park at night, and at some other time, pats her head as a reward.

[From Date A Live Wiki]