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Inamura Akina

稲村 明菜

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Inamura Akina稲村 明菜
HairBlond, Curtained, Orange, Straight, Waist Length+
EyesGreen, Tareme
BodyPale, Young-adult
ClothesBow Tie, Glasses, Ribbon Hair Tie, Shirt, Shorts, Vest
PersonalityOutgoing, Pervert, Relaxed
RoleEmployer, Girlfriend, Management, Not a Virgin
Visual novelsMain character - Ecchi na Bunny-san wa Kirai?


Akina is the manager of Platinum. She may seem a bit insane at first. After all, she can't resist jumping on anyone she finds cute, man or woman. Underneath that though, well, she's still a crazed sex machine. Whenever she pops up, prepare for the unexpected.

[From Ben Woodhouse's Walkthrough]