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Amamiya Shiro

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Amamiya Shiro
HairBlunt Bangs, Hime Cut, Long, Sidehair, Straight, Tiny Braid, Twin Braids, White
EyesGreen, Tareme
BodyPale, Slim, Teen
ClothesCravat, Dress, Dress Shoes, Over The Knee Socks, Pajamas, Pleated Skirt, Ribbon Hair Tie, Ribbon Tie, Sailor School Uniform, School Uniform
PersonalityLoner, Reserved
RoleClassmate, Daughter, Friend, Girlfriend, High School Student, Lonely, Musician
Engages inSinging
Visual novelsMain character - No One But You


Shiro never speaks at school and has no real friends, but she has one thing close to her heart: music. When she plays her acoustic guitar, she lowers her guard and opens her emotions, enchanting her miniature audiences with eloquent melodies.

[From MangaGamer]