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Ellen Guydir


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Ellen GuydirSafe / Tame (14)
Ellen Guydirエリン・グィディル
MeasurementsHeight: 162cm, Bust-Waist-Hips: 78-58-79cm
HairAhoge, Blond, Spiky Bangs, Twin Tails, Waist Length+, Wavy
BodyPale, Slim, Teen
ClothesBell (accessory), Cape, Clothing with Ribbons, Collar, Glasses, Miniskirt, Ribbon Hair Tie, Sailor School Uniform, School Uniform, Tank Top, Thigh-high Stockings, Waitstaff Uniform, Witch Hat
PersonalityCurious, Hard Worker
RoleForeigner, High School Student, Magician, Part-time Worker, Pet Owner, Waitstaff
Engages inComputering, Flying, Reading, Teasing
Subject ofAcrophobia
Visual novelsMain character - Utsurigi Nanakoi Tenkiame
Main character - Yarukibako 2 - Episode V: ~Yarukineko no Gyakushuu~
Voiced byAoyama Yukari


Ellen is a hardworking witch from the magic land staying at the Yachikojima household. She was chosen as a student studying abroad in the human world owing to her effort. She is rather familiar with Japan (the human world), and speaks Japanese fluently. However, Ellen has a fear of heights and a complex about her tiny chest.