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Miguel Kurashiki

ミゲル 倉敷

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Miguel Kurashikiミゲル 倉敷AB
AliasesShigeru Kurashiki
Birthday1 April
HairCyan, Eye Covering, Spiky Bun
BodyNail Polish
ClothesHeadband, Kimono, Necklace, Pendant Earrings, Tank Top
ItemsHandgun, Knife
PersonalityCruel, Effeminate, Loyal, Misogynist, Violent
RoleExecutive, Mafia, Veteran, Villain
Engages inFighting
Subject ofInsanity
Visual novelsSide character - Rose Guns Days


Caleb's loyal and fearsome right-arm, who served in his unit during the war and will help him achieve his goal no matter the cost. The war left him with an unstable personality and a fierce hatred of women.

[source: TV Tropes]