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Mori Rin

森 凛

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Mori RinSafe / Tame (14)
Mori Rin森 凛
MeasurementsHeight: 138cm, Bust-Waist-Hips: 70-48-76cm, A cup
HairBlond, Long, Straight
BodyKid, Pale, Slim
ClothesBeret, Choker, Cross Necklace, Over The Knee Socks, School Uniform
RoleDaughter, Half-Japanese, Middle School Student
Visual novelsMain character - Saint Dorei Gakuen
Voiced byToono Soyogi


The half-Japanese daughter of Chairman Mori and Henrika. She’s the complete opposite of her father—tiny, innocent, and as cute as a button.

[From Official Steam Page]