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Takae Myuu

高江 ミュウ

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Takae Myuu高江 ミュウ
Aliases高江 海
MeasurementsHeight: 158cm
Birthday21 May
HairBrown, Shoulder-length
ClothesClothing with Ribbons, Ribbon Hair Tie, Skirt
PersonalityAirhead, Jealous, Modern Tsundere, Watashi
RoleChildhood Friend, Psychic, Superhuman, Telepath
Engages inDimensional Travel
Subject ofAttempted Homicide, Bullying, Kidnapping, Piggyback Ride
Visual novelsMain character - 12RIVEN -the Ψcliminal of integral-
Voiced byNonaka Ai


The heroine of this story. A high school girl with a bright and innocent personality. She herself has the ability of Ψ, and her life is targeted by Ψcliminal.

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