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Sara Tesla

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Sara Tesla
HairBlunt Bangs, Long, White
BodyPale, Teen
ClothesApron, Dress, School Uniform, Shirt
PersonalityBrother Complex, Emotional, Moody, Naive, Narcissist, Possessive, Puffy
RoleHigh School Student, Orphan, Twin Sister
Engages inCooking, Teasing
Subject ofTeasing
Visual novelsMain character - Sickness


Suoh's twin sister.

Sara is a high school student who harbors complex feelings towards her brother.

To Suoh, Sara is an angelic sister with a loving nature and endless affection; an image she cultivates and builds on daily. To everyone else, however, Sara is narcissistic and thoroughly two-faced. Family aside, Sara doesn't care for other people in the slightest, and as a result of her desperately trying to hide this fact, her family mistakenly believe Sara to be bipolar.

[Taken from official website]