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Senoo Akira

妹尾 彰

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Senoo Akira妹尾 彰
HairBlack, Short
ClothesJacket, Jeans, Necktie, School Uniform, T-shirt
PersonalityFunny, Idiot, Kind, Otaku, Pervert
RoleClassmate, Friend, Full Brother, Gamer, High School Student
Visual novelsSide character - Real Imouto ga Iru Ooizumi-kun no Baai
Voiced byOnomura Shintarou


Protag’s best friend, which usually means perverted and not liked upon by the opposite sex. Exactly true here. He is another one of those onii-chan that seeks ideal imoutos in eroges…though in his case he’s just not being honest with himself. Although complains his sister’s tyranny to Ryou, he is the first to get angered when his sister is looked down upon. He also hates NTR too.

[Edited from Tomato Conspiracy]