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HairBlond, Long
BodyMuscular, Pointed Ears, Unnatural Skin Tone
ClothesCloak, Half-naked
PersonalityCold-hearted, Mayadere, Taciturn, Vindictive
RoleAssassin, Bisexual, Demon Blooded, Elf
Engages inArchery, Fighting
Subject ofConfinement, Malevolent Possession, Mind Control
Visual novelsLoren The Amazon Princess
> Side character - r20000:Loren The Amazon Princess
> Main character - r24873:Loren The Amazon Princess: The Castle Of N'Mar
> Main character - r25089:Loren The Amazon Princess Expansion BUNDLE
> Main character - r29438:Loren Amazon Princess Complete
Voiced byEdward Bosco


After mixing his blood with demons, can he still be saved or is his soul lost forever?

Romanceable by Saren or Elenor.