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Shimomura Seiji

下村 誠二

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Shimomura Seiji下村 誠二B
AliasesSimomura Seiji
Birthday14 August
BodyPale, Teen
ClothesBelt, Suit, Trousers
PersonalityArrogant, Carefree, Energetic, Unlucky
RoleChildhood Friend
Visual novelsMain character - Miracle No-ton
Main character - Miracle No-ton Tadaima Zouryou Chuu!!
Main character - Miracle No-ton ~Negai o Buchikonde!~
Voiced byBombaye


Akira's childhood friend.

He's unnecessarily energetic and arrogant. He can typically do anything, but he's unlucky in everything he does and has a lot of troubles.

[Translated from official website]