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Tower Overlord


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Tower Overlord塔の主
AliasesTou no Nushi, Ashen Hawk
HairLong, Red
ClothesCloak, Eyepatch, Pendant Earrings
PersonalityCarefree, Lazy, Watashi
Subject ofAmnesia
Visual novelsMain character - Haitaka no Psychedelica
Voiced byHirakawa Daisuke


‘There’s no need to be so reserved. We’re both men, after all. There’s no way I’d do anything underhanded.’

The one-eyed man who lives with the heroine as the tower’s guardian. A mysterious figure who can erase his presence at will. He hates all troublesome things, and rarely appears in front of others. He willingly performs a spell to prevent Jed’s eye from glowing red, in which he kisses her right eyelid. He has no memories of his past.

[From Sakura52's blog]