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Luke Hayden

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Luke Hayden
HairBlack, Curtained, Shoulder-length
BodyPale, Slim, Young-adult
ClothesPendant Necklace, Sweater
PersonalityBookworm, Dandere, Nature Lover, Pessimist, Reserved
RoleAmerican, Senpai, University Student, Writer
Visual novelsMain character - Red String of Fate


Luke has always been a quiet child, content with observing the world and satisfying his fascination than being a real part of it. Pensive and introverted, he is a Literature major who often goes out into nature alone to find inspiration for his writing. Surprisingly, despite his love for the beauty of words and literature, he never writes about romantic love or relationships, and he even scoffs with a hint of bitterness at the fact that great poets often write on the subject of love. Nobody knows the reason behind his jaded view regarding romantic love, but no one can deny that he is a talented writer who is clearly inspired by everything in the world except love.
