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Hiragino Sousuke

柊乃 蒼佑

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Hiragino Sousuke柊乃 蒼佑
HairBrown, Short, Spiky Bangs, Straight, V Bangs
EyesTsurime, Violet
BodyPale, Slim, Young-adult
ClothesAnkle Boots, Coat, Jeans, T-shirt
PersonalityBoku, Brave, Serious, Stoic
RoleMedical Doctor
Engages inSurgery
Engages in (Sexual)Not Sexually Involved
Visual novelsMain character - Dei Gratia no Rashinban


The SHEEPIII's underwater voyage doctor. An unkempt but brave individual, willing to put his life on the line to do his duty. He is ready to do what needs to be done and is by no means irresolute. Nevertheless, he is susceptible to pressure. As a doctor, he values lives and makes efforts to save all of them, though he understands perfectly well that it is not always possible.

Sousuke was picked for the particular underwater expedition because of his remarkable medical skills. Little did he know, to which nightmare this assignment would lead...

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