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Hizuki Shino

緋月 詩乃

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Hizuki ShinoSafe / Tame (14)
Hizuki Shino緋月 詩乃
HairBlack, Long
ClothesBlazer, Hakama, Jacket, Lace Lingerie, Miniskirt, Pantyhose, Trousers
RoleNot a Virgin, Teacher
Engages inDrinking
Subject ofPiggyback Ride
Visual novelsMain character - Ringetsu
Main character - Tsuma Mix
Main character - Shin Ringetsu
Voiced byMisumi


A teacher at Akizuki Academy and the older sister of Ayumi and Mitsuna.
She is an average teacher and doesn't feel any special passion towards teaching. Still, as a young female teacher she is popular among students.
During her schooldays she learned Aikido (has black belt), so she's got self-defense covered.
She's extremely direct and harsh with her words. Loves alcohol and drinks a lot, sometimes drinking so much she loses her memory.
In the past she has experienced a huge failure, since then, she has put any relations with men on hold.