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Chiyuki Touko

千雪 灯子

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Chiyuki ToukoSafe / Tame (14)
Chiyuki Touko千雪 灯子
MeasurementsHeight: 158cm, D cup
HairBrown, Intake, Long, Parted to Side, Side Tail
EyesBlue, Tsurime
BodyPale, Slim, Teen
ClothesCupless Corset, Hair Tie, Hairpin, Hoodie, Knee-high Socks, Loafers, Miniskirt, Necklace, Pleated Skirt, Sailor School Uniform, School Uniform, String Ribbon Tie, Swimsuit
PersonalityAssertive, Atashi, Friendly, Kind
RoleClassmate, Eleventh Grader, Friend, Kouhai, School Art Club Member, Schoolmate, Senpai, Student Club Member
Engages inGardening, Swimming, Teasing
Visual novelsMain character - Soi Kano ~Gyutto Dakishimete~
Voiced byTachibana Mao


Kouhei's good friend, she loves to intrude on Kouhei whenever he's sleeping in the infirmary at the lunch time, sleeping together with him without regard to the fact they're a man and a woman.