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Lorinda Ella

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Lorinda EllaSafe / Tame (14)
Lorinda Ella
HairBlond, Long
Engages inAssault
Visual novelsMain character - Welcome To... Chichester : Episode 0
Main character - Welcome To... Chichester 1 : The Spy of America and the Long Vacation
Main character - Welcome To... Chichester 3: Plenty Of Time To Live
Side character - Welcome To... Chichester 2 - Part II : No Regrets For The Future
Side character - Axiom Alternative
Side character - Axiom Alternative II
Side character - WTC : Recruitment Day
Makes an appearance - WTC : Relentless Protagonist
Side character - Welcome To... Chichester 2 - Part III : NightFall


"Personal" assistant to the protagonist. Overly attached to him/her, and regards any other female presence as extremely dangerous.

Lives with the protagonist, but actual status between them is unknown.