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Fujishima Takumi

藤島 匠

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Fujishima Takumi藤島 匠
HairRed, Short, Spiky Bangs
BodyPale, Teen
ClothesSchool Uniform, Suit
PersonalityBlunt, Brave, Friendly, Funny, Hard Worker, Kind, Loyal, Pretending, Proactive, Sharp-tongued, Stubborn
RoleButler, Classmate, Friend, High School Student, Poor, Schoolmate, Spy
Engages inAthletics, Cleaning, Cooking, Dancing, Moving, Shogi, Teasing
Visual novelsProtagonist - Noble ☆ Works


Takumi is the protagonist of this story.
Because he has lived in poverty for a long time, he has to work very hard to get more allowance to support himself daily at home.
Basically, he is serious in earning more money for himself.

[Edited and roughly translated from the Getchu's website]


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